Truckee, CA - New Date & Time TBD
In the Science of Restorative Experience, we will explore the increasingly relevant modality of restorative yoga-the yoga of rest and recovery. Through lecture and practice, we will gain insight and understanding into our bodies innate wisdom and powerful healing potential.
Our class will begin with a lecture introducing us to our fascinating, balance-seeking nervous system and the theory and intention behind the restorative practice. We will better understand the imperativeness of slowing down and how restorative yoga provides the perfect compliment to our often ‘yang’ driven modern lifestyles. We will then drop into a fully supported, deeply nourishing and intelligent restorative sequence, laden with scientific nuggets and groovy music-all designed to guide us back toward balance and healing. This class is for everyBODY.
Take a deep dive into the restorative practices. Power Restore will kick off each session.
Past Events
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4. 2022. 430-7pm. In person and on-line!
In Chinese Medicine, this season governs organization, setting limits and protecting boundaries – moving from the external, expansive ‘Yang’ nature of Summer to the internal, contractive nature of Fall.
The Autumn organs are the lungs and colon, and the emotion is grief. We will address each of these aspects through a sequence specifically designed to recognize, access and move this energy.
You will leave with a greater sense of clarity on the importance of recognizing and shedding layers and expanding your ‘window of tolerance’ through self awareness and compassion, as well as tools and resources for optimizing flow and self regulation.
What: The class will consist of a brief, participation optional opening circle, approximately 45 minutes of ecstatic breathwork (with first half devoted to theory/instruction) followed by 75 minutes of deeply integrative and relaxing restorative/yin crafted and woven through our fall season lens. There will be another brief participation optional closing circle for integration, questions and sharing.
Included: Groovy plant and waterfall filled surroundings, transformational tunes, bolsters, mats, blocks, blankets, eye pillows, breathwork and juicy restorative yoga. On line: A bolster, 2 blankets and 2 blocks will do (couch cushions and books can be substituted!)
Bring your own: Ready to restore and release body and an open mind, your favorite tea cup, comfy nap clothes, water, a journal and pen if you choose.
Where: Omeostasis Studio (My pad surrounded by a waterfall, copious plants and equipped with all the yummy props), OR your home nest.
Who: ANYONE interested in learning about the profound power of breathwork* and restorative yoga. NO yoga experience necessary (please inquire about certain medical conditions).
Price: $60 via venmo @nicole-koch-18 to hold your space in the nest (my home or yours).
Maximum (10), in-person (Sign up early to secure your spot. Early bird gets the best nest) and unlimited online adventurers who are in need of deep relaxation and release.
Refund Policy: Unfortunately none can be given. The admin work behind all of this is no small endeavor. Emergencies and special circumstance are always taken into consideration, but hopefully your commitment to deep release and relaxation stands strong:)
Breathwork + Restorative Yoga Experience
Memorial Day Breathwork Experience
May 28th, 2023 - 6-8pm
Truckee, CA.
Feel it to Heal it.
We each possess an array of innate healing tools. And our breath is arguably one of the most profound of the bunch.
Unlike the slower, calmer pranayama type breath one might experience in a typical yoga class, the type of breathing involved in Ecstatic Breathwork is significantly more activating. The type of breathwork I am referring to here, is the deliberate alteration of our typical breathing patterns to ‘shake up’ our conditioned ways of being. The focus relies on the inhalation, creating a state of hyperventilation that can guide us into otherwise inaccessible parts of our subconscious mind. The results of intentional, led breathwork can be extraordinarily powerful. Wim Hof, the father of cold therapy and related breathing techniques refers to it as, “getting high on your own supply”.
See more benefits here: Benefits of breathwork
In this Breathwork + Restorative Yoga Experience we will explore a basic overview of ecstatic breathwork-the what, how and why. Our active breathwork experience will last approximately 45 minutes followed by approximately 1 hour of deeply grounding and calming restorative shapes to bring us back into our parasympathetic (rest/digest/restore) response.
Who: Anyone needing or wanting to have a better understanding of and more complimentary relationship with their own body, mind state, nervous system and overall health. No experience required. **Contraindications: pregnancy, asthma, epilepsy, heart conditions, severe anxiety, recent surgeries, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychiatric conditions. Please contact me with any questions.
What’s included: Groovy surroundings, transformational tunes, new knowledge and experience and improved health
The Body Keeps the Score-An Adventure in Relaxation Workshop
Sunday, April 3, 2022 - 4-7pm
In person and on-line!
“Our Issues are in Our Tissues”
A body in perpetual ‘fight or flight’ (sympathetic mode) cannot heal. And diet, supplements and talk therapy alone cannot resolve what our bodies store at the deep cellular level.
Based on the insightful book by Bessel Van der Kolk, we will:
Explore and discuss the science and psychology behind how and where we store emotions
Learn how to access our ‘rest and digest’ (parasympathetic) response through a casual, interactive lecture/discussion on the nervous system
Engage in a group breath work exercise (this might not be what you think it is)
Learn how to build your own dreamy ‘restorative nest’ at home.
Dive deeply into a fully guided and immersive, 90-minute restorative/yin yoga practice.
Who: ANYONE craving the ability to learn to relax and release better, deeper, stronger and longer. NO yoga experience necessary.
What’s included: Groovy plant and waterfall filled surroundings, transformational tunes, bolsters, mats, blocks, blankets, eye pillows, new knowledge and juicy restorative yoga.
Bring your own: Ready to restore and release body and an open mind, your favorite tea cup, comfy nap clothes, water, a journal and pen if you choose.
Where: My home yoga space in Truckee, CA. Address provided upon enrollment.
OR on-line (I’m going to learn some mad streaming skills, 2 years later:)
Price: $65 via venmo @nicole-koch-18 to hold your space in the nest (my home or yours).
Maximum (10), in-person (Sign up early to secure your spot) and unlimited online adventurers who are in need of deep relaxation and release.
Refund Policy: Unfortunately none can be given. The admin work behind all of this is no small endeavor. Emergencies and special circumstance are always taken into consideration, but hopefully your commitment to relaxation stands strong. :)
Past Trainings
July 9-11, 2021
Learn how to Restore your Power and teach others to restore theirs. This training will cover the concept, theory and intention behind the revolutionary practice of Power Restore Yoga®.